Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Winter in the Desert

The sun was out today, so I let Lucy play outside. As we were walking out I saw this strange thing sticking out of the dirt (aka our backyard) and gave it a little nudge with my shoe. Look what I found…who knew you could grow toadstools in the desert???What used to be the sandbox (I’m so glad we bought one with a cover) is now a swimming pool and Matilda Sue knew just what to do with that! (I love doing laundry…NOT!) It was just like going to the beach.
I don’t know if I should say “neener, neener” to all you snowbound folks or not. I bet you weren’t cleaning sand out of the nether regions of your children today!


Jolinda said...

Look at that long hair! Have you traded yours in for her to grow hers? Or is yours still short?

I love this and of course it makes me wish it was warm enough to be outside like that. In our yard if the sandbox had filled up with water, my kids would be ice skating on it...wouldn't that be fun?!?

DeeAnn said...

Yes, her hair is getting really long! Mine is growing back and I WILL NOT cut it short again!

I don't know how you stand that cold...I guess I am getting old.